Welcome to ICDAR2025!
The Organising Committee of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition with pleasure welcomes you to Wuhan, China for the 19th edition of ICDAR 2025 which will take place from 17 September – 21 September 2025.
Cheng-Lin Liu (China)
Simone Marinai (Italy)
Umapada Pal (India)
Xiang Bai (China)
Call for Papers
Important Dates
Nov 15, 2024: Journal track paper submission deadline
Jan 10, 2025: Initial journal track decision announced
Feb 7, 2025: Conference Title & Abstract submission deadline
Feb 21, 2025: Conference full paper upload and editing closed
Mar 14, 2025: Journal track paper revise submission deadline
Apr 11, 2025: Conference reviews due
Apr 18, 2025: Conference rebuttal due
Apr 25, 2025: Conference paper acceptance notation
May 16, 2025: Camera-Ready and final notation
ICDAR is the premier event for scientists and practitioners involved with document analysis and recognition, a field of growing importance in our current age of digital transition. The 19th edition of this flagship conference will beheld in Wuhan, September 17-21, 2025.
Paper Submission:
There is both a standard conference paper track and a journal track at ICDAR 2025; details regarding the journal track maybe found in a separate Call for Papers.
Reviewing for conference papers will be double blind. Authors should not include their names, affiliations, or acknowledgements in submitted manuscripts, and should ensure that their identity is not revealed indirectly by citing their earlier work in the third person.
Papers maybe up to 15 pages long (including references) in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Detailed submission instructions for authors can be found on the conference website (https://www.icdar2025.com/home).
You can refer to Conference Papers for more details.
Sep. 17-21, 2025 Save the date!
Information will be published shortly